tonies GERMAN - Tonie Audible Figure - Petterson und Findus - Findus zieht um

A fun radio play with a cheeky cat

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When the lively tomcat Findus is hopping around in bed at four in the morning, Petterson is not enthusiastic. There's only one thing for it: Findus has to move out. Without further ado, the old outhouse is converted into a dwelling for the tomcat. He can hop whenever and however he wants. But will the two be happy with it? A funny story with lovable old Petterson and his cheeky cat Findus.

Incl. booklet & operating instructions.

Radio plays, music & knowledge: These lovingly designed Tonie hearing figures are adorable playmates who can be collected.

The Tonie principle is very simple: Place the listening figure on the Tonie box and the fun begins. It's so easy that even little ones can recognise their favourite stories and design their own programme.

Brand: tonies
Additional Information

Author: Sven Nordqvist

Speakers: Laura Maire, Jens Wawrczeck, Fred Maire, Ilse Strambowski, Angela Metzler, Stefanie Mühle, Katharina Wolter

Running time: approx. 33 minutes

Age recommendation: from 4 years

Technical requirement for using the Toniebox

English reviews written for tonies GERMAN - Tonie Audible Figure - Petterson und Findus - Findus zieht um

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